Hello comic friends,
quite some time has past since my last post about a normal comic issue. But the vacation of a friend of mine in an English-speaking foreign country provided me with "fresh" stuff. Action Comics #13 is again, like #9 a standalone story. Only the twist on the last page connects the story to the main plot of Morrison. I will really miss him on this title when he quits writing after the 17th issue.
I really liked the introduction of Jor-El imprisoning Doctor Xa-Du. It's dark, cruel and a historic incident because it's the first time someone has been locked up in the phantom zone. In the first place the story develops into a classic plot of an unconsciousness Superman trapped in the phantom zone without a possibility to break free. With the help of the Phantom Strange, who is trapped in the zone too, and his dog Krypto Superman success to break free. After Superman has rescued Krypto from the Phantom Zone too, Dr. Xa-Du enlist into the group of superman-enemy and the bow to the main plot is laid out. The implied Halloween theme doesn't work a second an is really annoying. The book would have worked fine without this, too.
The drawing and coloring is wonderful and a welcome change to Rags Morales "normal" art. Travel Foreman works really good on this title and I liked him as well as in the Animal Man books. His clear, edgy and thin lines are great on Superman and i would welcome him to take over a superman title.
The introduction of Krypto, a character i never really liked and which was in my opinion at all ways a little cheesy, was great. In this form of expression and without the damn cape (a dog with a cape..?) he put down this dusty "Superman-Family" heritage and stepped into the future. I hope Krypto will become more of a serious character than a cute Superman sidekick with fur.
The backup story is not worth to be mentioned here any further. Please DC, stop to spend your money on this crap at the end and invest it in the main-plot or put down the price for the issue.