Okay. A lot of water has run down the river since my last post. But that is absolutely okay. Maybe you wondered: "Is it all over now? All this will to communicate about comics has vanished?" And honestly I must confess: yes. To face the truth there hasn't ever been a great amount of communication around this blog or interaction with readers. I lied to myself about the part of writing a blog and meet people who share my interests. No offence. There has been nice people writing comments and reading my blog. But I was really focused on this "readership", watching stats of my blog so I lost the point of it all. I had to find it again:
It's about comics. And it's about my view on comics.
So I reduced the design in order to simplify the reading and writing. It spares your and my time and supports a distraction free reading. But that is just a visual aspect of simplification. I will break down the routines of "New comic book - new review ... new week - new "Panel of the Week"" and so on. There is now need for pressure. So I will try to write and post more liberal without any frames or restrictions I inflict on my posts.
So? What have I done all the time? I've read comics. And books. A good friend of mine lend me a lot of TPB of "The Walking Dead". Now I have arrived at No. 15 and my high regards for this series has obtain some cracks. Here and there I've spotted some indications of a TV-soap-stile behaviour between the characters. That is really worrying and I hope it will become again a little more entertaining on a sophisticated level which was so awesome all the time.
And there was the "Death of the Family" event in the Batman series. All good and fine, but what the heck suddenly meant Requiem for Robin? When did Damian died? And why? I was really upset, when I finally read in the web, that Damian died in Batman Inc. Just a millisecond I thought of buying the issue but than my anger on this totally wrong placed death (right when the Death of the Family event takes place) it should have been part of the event. To continue the Batman title this way isn't satisfactory. Nevertheless the event itself was really good and I enjoyed it.
But all along there has been too much events and crossovers for my taste in the last couple month. Please give me one book with a storyline without buying all the other sideseries just to get rid of the feeling to miss something. Thats really annoying.
Hey, but there is a light at the end of this consumedriven industrytunnel: the new "Man of Steel" Movie. ;) Okay, it will end up (like all the Hollywood works) in a big merchandise explosion but nevertheless I am totally looking forward for this film. Everything I've seen to this date looked very appealing to me and to point something right out of the third trailer: the "S" isn't a "S". It's a symbol and means "Hope". And I really hope that this film brings Superman back to his former glory.
So, it is time to focus again on the main aspect: Comics. Dear reader, maybe there will pass some time till the next post, but be sure of that, I will write again. And don't forget: there are much more important things than to read one comic blog of thousands. Quit surfing the web, grab a good comicbook or book. There is nothing more important than you own experience.